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Inventory Shrinkage Planning
Do you have Inventories?
Do you want to improve your profitability?

If the answer is "Yes", then the single item that will produce the biggest jump in your bottom line is to reduce your inventory shrinkage. Contact us today to discuss how we can work with you to design a customized program to improve your profitability.

Inventory Management

Below is a small list of articles that we have compiled from various resources to aid as a resource for your business. If you have a suggestion for something you'd like to see listed, please feel free to contact us.

Deming's 'Fourteen Points'

When should a retailer install perpetual inventory?

Two alternatives to price cutting.

Incentive plans.

Web Based Software Applications - The Option to Rent

How to hire a consultant

Strategy Idea - The Abandonment Team

New Paradigms - Declining birthrates and population aging

CFO Tools for Business Improvement

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

Do You Really Provide Excellent Service?

What is Activity Based Costing (ABC)?

Defining the Vision - a Q&A approach to describing your vision for your Company.

Why should you have a written business plan?

Business Plan Traps

Typical Business Plan Components

Just what is Tax Planning all about?

Internet Strategies for Small Businesses

Business Resources
Business Resources
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