Why Should You Have A Written Business Plan?

Probably one of the closest statements to absolute truth is "Fail to Plan and You Plan to Fail". I have never meet a business owner that didn't have a plan of some type, however there is a wide difference on how good their plans were. Failure to spend an adequate amount of time and money to produce a good plan is probably the biggest cause of business failure.

Why is a written business plan almost a universal requirement for lenders or investors? The answer is that experience has shown that businesses with a written plan are more likely to succeed than ones with a plan in the owner's head. Putting your ideas on paper require that you address all the basics such as your assumptions and risks, goals and objectives. It compels you to consider cash flow as well as profitability and helps you to formulate policies such as customer terms and employee benefits. A well written plan significantly reduces the chance of failure due to the dumb assumption that all your customers will pay timely and that all your vendors will extend you credit.

Having a well written plan produces many intangible benefits to include:

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