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Inventory Shrinkage Planning
Do you have Inventories?
Do you want to improve your profitability?

If the answer is "Yes", then the single item that will produce the biggest jump in your bottom line is to reduce your inventory shrinkage. Contact us today to discuss how we can work with you to design a customized program to improve your profitability.

Inventory Management

Our Philosophy
Businesses that truly work increase their profits year after year while reducing the owner’s hassle factor. The hassle factor is all the time and effort demanded upon a manager to fix errors and handle problems that are systemic in nature.

Our goal is to work with our clients on projects that concentrate on producing a high ROI through improving business processes.

What We Do
Every client is unique and the following list of projects is used to provide examples of our methodologies:

Real World Business Planning
Help our clients develop business plans for making money. This is different from the canned business plans to produce a justification for a lender to lend you money. We want to produce a plan that identifies areas of your business that, if implemented, can give you the kind of ROI’s that you are looking for.

Employee Incentive Plans
Giving your employees the right incentives can go along way in keeping their goals in line with yours. The optimal plan has clearly assigned goals that are perceived by the employees as achievable along with a real-time reporting system to show their progress.

ROI Analysis
Helping our clients understand the potential return on investment that a potential project can produce goes hand-in-hand with determining what metrics to use to evaluate the results.

Practical Inventory Shrinkage Planning
We like this project because it has the potential of producing the biggest return for our clients out of all the things that we can do for them.

Business Process Design
Improving your business processes is what we are all about. We believe that you need to understand which processes are central to making you unique to your customers. These core systems need to be constantly improved to make you the leader in your trading area. All your other business process that come in contact with your customers need to be at least adequate to keep them coming back.

Business Planning
Retail Business
Inventory Management
Business Planning
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