Business Systems Design & Software: Retail Profitability Consulting
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Inventory Shrinkage Planning
Do you have Inventories?
Do you want to improve your profitability?

If the answer is "Yes", then the single item that will produce the biggest jump in your bottom line is to reduce your inventory shrinkage. Contact us today to discuss how we can work with you to design a customized program to improve your profitability.

Inventory Management

Business Systems Design and Software was developed from a concept in 1999 to address a specific problem of small businesses that wish to become a larger business. The failure to focus on continually improving their business processes is the single biggest management mistake made by business owners looking for growth. Inefficient business systems increases a company’s overhead and burdens its managers with continual requirements to fight fires instead of growing their company.

While the biggest tool in the business process took kit is web-based software, the Company continues to focus on assisting clients with understanding what their systems cost and processes available to continually improve them.

The Company became a Florida corporation in 2004.


The Founder

James D. Payne is a Florida CPA with over 30 years of experience in the business world. He graduated from Florida State University in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science Degree after majoring in Accounting. He has held various positions to include:
• IRS Agent
• CPA Firm Staff Accountant
• Controller of Central American operations for a major highway constructor
• Owner/operator of a CPA firm offering tax and accounting services for over 15 years in Tampa, Florida
• CFO of a multi-state retailer
• Consultant/Software Developer since 1999
After selling his CPA firm, he went to work for a multi-state retailer as the CFO where he learned first hand the problems facing a growth business. He spent several years learning the art of software development to complement his accounting skills. Web-based software is the biggest tool in the toolbox used to continually improve business processes.

Mr. Payne currently resides in Gainesville, Florida with his wife Pam. He is an accomplished instrument rated private pilot with over 1500 hours of flight time and ardent supporter of the Fair Tax proposal currently before Congress.

Positions Available
Past Software Projects

Jim Payne Photo - I know, I know, go get a photo.  Finally, something worse than the dentist.
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