New Paradigms To Consider - Declining Birth Rates and Aging Populations

Birthrates in the developed countries have declined below the minimum rate necessary to maintain population levels. This includes the US whose rate is below the 2.1 live births for every woman of child bearing years necessary to have a level replacement rate. The US rate would even be lower if it were not for immigrants who tend to maintain their home country birthrates.

Undeveloped countries still have high birthrates but these are also declining and are mirroring developed countries with maybe a hundred year lag. It would appear that the Malthusian theory of outstripping our food supply will not happen.

The populations of the developed countries are also aging. It is predicted that after the year 2015 the absolute numbers of young people will make a rapid decline. The end result will be more than a third of the population over the age of sixty.

The declining birthrates is a tremendous paradigm shift for most of us who have always assumed that the population would continue growing and that there would always be an ample supply of new people entering the workforce. A few of the probable effects of this change include:

These changes are a given. They will happen. Most companies will have to change their current strategies to deal with these realities. Some new ideas that might work include:


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