Business Systems Design & Software: Retail Profitability Consulting
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Inventory Shrinkage Planning
Do you have Inventories?
Do you want to improve your profitability?

If the answer is "Yes", then the single item that will produce the biggest jump in your bottom line is to reduce your inventory shrinkage. Contact us today to discuss how we can work with you to design a customized program to improve your profitability.

Inventory Control

“Jim Payne is my go-to guy for advice on how to make my business run better.”
Jerry Austin, President
Austin Engineering Group, Inc.

“I have worked with Jim Payne for well over 20 years in various businesses because his advice on how to do things better is always honest and down to earth."
Jon Day, President
Daysite, Inc.

“I manage a retail chain with stores in various states throughout the Southeast. Operating in all these locations would be immensely more difficult and expensive without the assistance provided by Jim Payne in providing us with web-based software that is customized to how we want to do business. His knowledge of accounting and taxes combined with the ability to handle the technical aspects of information management makes him a valuable member of our team.”
Patrick Flanagan, President
H2O Industries, Inc.

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