The problem with Quickbooks and other similar programs is that it cannot replace the advice and help from a trained accountant. Questions like
how to handle depreciation, what is an expense vs. a cost that must be capitalized, and when is an expense an expense just cannot be handled
by software alone. Additionally, there is the general problem with reports. Quickbooks has hundreds, if not thousands, of canned reports
which are confusing to someone not trained in financial reporting. The end result is that a small business owner can waste a great deal of
time attempting to master the software when they should be doing what ever it is that makes them money.
Our solution to this problem is to use the Cloud to provide basic accounting without the complexity designed to make basic tax accounting fast.
If you do have a problem or question, we are in the best position to answer it since we have access to the same screens that you see. Not sure
where to post something? Just charge it to suspense and drop us an email with the details and we can take care of it for you.
What about the "Reports Problem"? If you would like more from your accounting system, we can help with customized reports designed specifically for
you and your situation. This is where your productivity gets a real boost by giving you the information you need in the way you would like to see