My Story About The Web

I was working for a retailer in 1999 as the Chief Financial Officer? This company had 9 retail locations in three different states and had aspirations to become a twenty-five store chain? While each of the locations and the corporate office had lots of computers, non of the computers could talk to the computers at another location? I had asked for quotes many times over the years for what it would cost to network each location, but the response was always many thousands of dollars per month?

Clearly, a WAN (Wide Area Network) was out of our price range? This resulted in a purchasing system built around the fax machine? However, problems abounded around this system:

The whole system was inefficient resulting in higher than necessary inventory levels, products paid for that never were received, and constant bickering between the corporate division and store managers? There was plenty of blame to go around for everybody as to why things were not working right, but management had no way to figure out who to attach it to.

At this time we were using the Internet for email purposes and the Company President asked me one day 'Why can't we use the Internet instead of faxing?' Well, slowly the lights came on and I started talking to our Web Hosting company for some help in designing a system to replace the fax machine? Over the next 18 months we developed a web-based program that allowed everybody in the company to see the status of their orders.

Now a funny thing happened as a byproduct of this approach to ordering. Yes, we eliminated most of the complaints about ordering, which was our primary goal? We also reduced our costs of placing an order significantly, which was not a goal at all? Our reduced costs allowed us to recover our software production costs in less than six months? How did this happen?

The bottom-line is that the Internet is the poor man's WAN that allows multi-location businesses to get some real benefits from all the computers they have purchased.

Business Consulting in Florida to include Tampa Gainesville Orlando Jacksonville Daytona Beach Tallahassee Panama City Pensacola Lakeland

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